Saturday, August 24, 2013

Don't Let Others Judge You

 Hi All! I was looking through some old pics and came upon my old seventh grade school basketball team photos. I think I'm rocking the pink converse don't you? (This was back when girls really didn't wear Chuck Taylors!) My nickname Pinky was a result of this fashion choice! However, I had other names in school that I never appreciated. You're fat, go play with the girls, you aren't as good as the boys...etc. etc. I was teased for my looks, and teased because I was a tomboy.
I definitely wasn't a skinny girl, and had a chubby face, but I really wasn't that huge. Of course I felt 500 lbs. when people were teasing me, and unfortunately, I didn't have siblings to help stick up for me, nor was I really the person to stick up for myself back then. My point to this blog, is don't worry about what people say or think, do what you want to do. I wore pink converse, not because I was trying to fit in, but I wore them because I liked them and wanted to rock 'em! When the boys & some girls gave me crap for being the athletic, rough and tumble kid, I tended to have a better way to handle it. I'd challenge the boys on the court with a "Watch Me & I'll Beat Ya", and when the girly girls were having that caddy, shallow, attitude, I frankly didn't want to be friends with them as they weren't people of good character. Fortunately, I found girls on the team that also dealt with the same sexism, so when practicing or playing the game, there wasn't discrimination.
Surround yourself with people that accept you, and don't even waste your time with the others. The others are usually just too shallow and don't have their priorities straight anyway!
I do wish I would've had more strength and confidence to tell the haters to take a flying leap back then, as I would have saved myself a lot of wasted agony and pain. I've never been average, normal or beautiful in societies eyes, and today I don't care. I'm not going to change for anyone but myself. If guys don't appreciate my athleticism, then I don't want to be around them. If the girly girls are going to be caddy, I will walk elsewhere. I'm unique and embrace my weirdness. Yes, I might miss out on dates because I don't act all helpless and stupid, but I don't want a guy in my life that doesn't appreciate my take charge attitude. Life is an adventure and I'm going to enjoy it regardless!!
Enjoy your life, and you will find people that accept you. If people are going to judge you, they have no time to love you, so take time to surround yourself with the right kind of people. Even with my weirdness I have close friends that embrace my unique personality. Unfortunately, most of them live in another state, but I still put myself  out there to meet new people and let them see what a wonderful person I am, even with tattoos, boxing gloves, sweaty gym clothes and all!
Happy Health!
Fit Tomboy

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